Thursday, July 08, 2010

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Cheats

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Moving Barrels Without Tiny
It is possible to move barrels without the use of Tiny. Simply line up the barrel between your commando and the spot you want it, then click on it repeatedly to keep the motion going. It may take a little practice but is nice once you are good at it.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines God Mode
While playing, type "1982gonzo" to enable cheat mode, then press Ctrl-I for invincibility.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Teleport
While playing, click on a member of your team, then move the pointer to the location where you wish to teleport and press Shift-X.

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Complete Mission
To skip to the next level, type "1982gonzo" while playing to enable cheat mode. You can then press Ctrl+Shift+N to complete the mission with full marks for damage sustained, time and mission merit.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Enemy Perspective
While playing, type "1982gonzo" (or "gonzo1982") to enable Cheat mode, then press Shift-V to see from the enemy's perspective.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Passwords
Level  Password
2      NS2B7      Destroy river base.
3      BFQBF      Destroy dam.
4      YGF1J      Destroy headquarters.
5      JJTCG      Destroy radar site.
6      NT1WN      Destroy rail cannon.
7      Y3YWX      Destroy U-Boats.
North Africa:
8      B3WJO      Destroy fuel depot.
9      HIAXT      Destroy desert compound.
10     G4CM3      Rescue pilot.
11     GDODW      Destroy oil refinery.
12     5MB4M      Rescue prisoner and escape.
13     65UWX      Destroy battleship.
14     CT34V      Secure beachhead.
15     YN9PD      Assassinate general.
16     BY4MD      Defend bridge.
17     Y14PW      Rescue resistance member.
18     8POJ8      Destroy bridge.
19     8WGJ0      Destroy V2 rockets.
20     88U4V      Destroy doomsday compound
If those do not work try the following:
2      4JJXB
3      ZDD1T
4      RFF1J
5      K4TCG
6      MIR4M
7      7QVJV
8      K99XC
9      AAAX1
10     JSGPW
11     CMODD
12     JGHD3
13     PUUWW
14     WT348
15     139P0
16     L9IPV
17     5LIMV
18     YJOJG
19     YFCWJ
20     GDKWT
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Easy Promotions
To get easy promotions, while playing type "1982gonzo" to enable cheat mode. Then press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys and push N. The mission complete screen will appear. press "P" to replay the mission and repeat the code as often as you like to get lots of merit.
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Swim underground
This is a very interesting glitch, and somewhat useful. Use the marine to put on suba gear. Then use the teleport code listed below to teleport to land. He will still be swimming. No one notices and and you can swim as far as you could in the river. To swim elsewhere, you must teleport near that area.

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