Monday, January 25, 2010

trick to online with two diffrent contact list

trick to online with two diffrent contact list

xample : nick nispap-1 and nick oporadhi-2. you want to online use nick nispap-1 but your contact list in nick oporadhi-2. this is the trick :
1. login with nick oporadhi-2
2. when appear 'downloading contact list', press the back/cancel button
3. then change your username and password. login again. after login success, u will get ur nick nispap-1 and nick oporadhi-2 contact list in 1 nick (nispap-1)

the active contact list is only one contact list that is last nick contact list that u use to login (nispap-1) but the contact list from the first nick (oporadhi-2) is not the active contact list. the point is if there is a nick offline then online, we cant see it and the other way. if that nick online then offline, we dont know too because that list is not update. when we private chat, suddenly appear 'user is not online 

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